I am Weird Wonderful Exciting Interesting Real Different shirt
I am Weird Wonderful Exciting Interesting Real Different shirt
Ammm actually biology is taught sufficiently even at GCSE level, there's nothing wrong with the system, I've been through it all and experienced it over the past 8 years. It's completely fine and sufficient. I think you're confusing generations. Remember a 25 year old did their GCSEs in 2012 but a 35 year old would've done them in 2002 when education was much poorer. Surely once all the vulnerable are vaccinated we can get back to almost normal. I know Dr Sarah Jarvis wants a 0% death rate, but this is just not realistic. Over 90% of deaths are in the over 50's. This is sad, but I would imagine the death rate for everything else is similar to these figures. Val Patmore I am 52 and my partner almost 60. Our siblings mostly over 50. All our older relatives are already gone (something else took them) Once the NHS is in a position to cope then we need to get back to work and earning money to pay for services and pensions.
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